Celebrate your Event in the Premium Event Venue Salt Lake City

Make your wedding special with Receptions at Redwood Event Center in Salt Lake City. The center has everything that a volunteer needs to make his event memorable. SaltLake City event space covered a 3000 square feet area that will be enough for a big event. Whether you are planning a wedding celebration, corporate meeting, business event, or birthday celebration we will convert your event dream into reality. Our venue offers 100 guests seating capacity and we can manage 250 guest events in an open area. The event center can be divided into 3 separate spaces with a solid panel wall so that 3 events can take place at the same time without any disturbance. Moreover, our event space is located in the prime location and so that all guests can come without any hassle. The accessibility of the event venue is simple and guests can follow the map to reach there on time. Host a perfect and fruitful event in corporateevent center Salt Lake City with our affordable f...